Welcome to EuroCafé
Not too long ago two passionate friends met. Right away they developed a unique friendship. The similarity of their feelings, thoughts, and ideas was so unbelievably alike that they even thought they could be sisters. Among a lot of crazy ideas they had, one seemed to be an extra stubborn, and kept coming back to them during the last five years.
They dreamed about doing something they loved together. One is an excellent cook, and the other is a passionate baker. They decided to combine their talents and skills. And so, without further ado, we would like to introduce you to Krystyna's and Margaret's dream café: the EuroCafé-Real Food &amo; Deli.
We invite you to our cozy Café to enjoy our delicious home-made foods. Every time you stop by, we want you to remember that there is never too late to pursue your dreams of having a friend as your partner in business, and having fun at the same time. Enjoy our delicious food.